Frequently asked questions

Yes, the Hans family started it many years ago.

Most products freeze well. We don’t recommend putting the full baked rustic sourdough in the freezer. The par bakes are perfect for the freezer. Most products last up to 6 months in the freezer.

We don’t recommend putting anything in the fridge, it tends to dry the product out.

Since we don’t use preservatives, the shelf life is about 3-4 days.

Some recipes are vegan, however everything is made on the same equipment.

Yes, by special order.

Yes, we have sour Italian (mild sour taste), rustic sour (2 day process, the most sour flavor), and a wheat sour filone.

We offer many sizes of buns: 4”, 4.5”, and 5” buns. Ciabatta is available in 3 x 5, 4x4, and 4x6.

How thick is your Bread slicing – 5/8” is thin and 3/4” is thick

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